The color page allows you to group clips and grade the clips based on which group it belongs to. This is super handy!
- Grade car lights
- Background
- In this example we have a rendered sequence of a car and want to add a small glow to the lights.
- We have the rendered car as a layer
- On top of this we add a black/white mask of the lights (lets call the light masks)
- Note if we want to edit the strength of the glow easily it is a good idea to have each light mask trimmed to the specific shot
- Meaning they are individual clips on the timeline that we can set blend mode and opacity per clip
- Import media
- Import the car sequence and add to a timeline (in the edit page)
- Import the light masks, add to the car timeline (on top of the car render)
- Make sure the align with the underlaying sequence (in time and shape)
- Grade the lights
- Create Groups
- Switch to the color page
- In the topbar, make sure Clips is enabled (top left) and that Timeline is eanbled (top right)
- Underneath the monitor and nodegraph you can se the clips and underneath thjat the timeline.
- To make it ease to select the light mask clips click on the V1 this is the video layer of our car sequence. When you click it it will turn grey to indicate that it is muted. When it is muited the clips will not show up in the clips section, making it easier to select.
- Select the light mask clips
- RMB click > Add into a New Group lets call the group “front lights”
- Now the clips are assigned a group
- Grade the group
- By default the grading “context” is set to clip
- In the top right part of the node graph, click the drop down that says Clip set it to Group Post-Clip
- This means that this grade will be applied to the clip after the grade of the individual clip
- Not ethat the border around the nodes turned from red to orange
- Now all the grad we do to this group will be done to each clip in the group, this is awesome!
- To add a nice glow to the lights I use the Halation
- In the effects panel, click the magnifier glas and enter “hal” select Halation
- drag and drop on the output line in the nodegraph
- In the Secondary Glow section, increase the Strength amount.
- Continue to tweak the parametsr til you getr what you need!
- If you want to add a red tinted Haloation, you can always add a grade node after the halation and do additional tweaks
- Create Groups
- Background