Lego Jeep - 01

Unreal Houdini

Unreal Engine & Houdini

Lego Jeep - 01

Unreal, Houdini

Unreal Engine & Houdini

Unreal & Houdini Unreal & Houdini Unreal & Houdini

This project is a mix of Houdini & Unreal. The vehicle and floor were animated in Houdini. I used Megascans for some of the props and materials. Parts of the floor were modeled in Houdini. The scene is lit by an HDRI and a directional light. Rendered with the path tracer in unreal 5.4 with 512 samples. The edit was done in sequencer in Unreal. The final color grade was done in DaVinci Resolve.

Model: Yellow 4x4 Jeep by Batka on Mecabricks

Music: Miss Japan by MegaHast3r
Licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.